3D Laser Scan

Sentinel Vision > 3D Laser Scan

3D Laser Scan


Touchscreen Monitor


3D Camera (Dual View)


Industrial Computer

  • 0 s time to setup
  • 0 defects or incomplete pieces
  • 100 % production shape control


Technical Specifications:


Touchscreen Monitor

The screen allows the users to view the images captured by the system and check possible defects as well as make small parameter adjustments.


3D Camera (Dual View)

Featuring dual sensors, this 3D camera provides comprehensive scans with minimal occlusions, outperforming conventional cameras.


Industrial Computer

Tailored for Sentinel software, this high-performance computer integrates seamlessly into electrical cabinets, delivering robust and efficient processing.

Toolbox with more than 50 tools:

The software allows you to set up different inspection tools in 3D, controlling the most critical parts of the piece.

High precision 3D:

The point cloud acquired by the camera has high resolution, making it possible to detect various defects in difficult areas of the part.

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